A dad in Michigan built an elaborate playhouse for his daughters and it’s basically a legit house

Have you ever dreamed as a kid to have your own castle in your backyard? Well this is a dream come true for two little girls from Michigan. Their father, has built an incredible two story playhouse, completely from scratch, in the backyard of their home.

Adam Boyd, the girls’s father, has even decorated the walls in purple, as this is the girls favorite color. He also made an entire wall from chalkboard so the girls could write or paint on the walls without being any problem.

“My wife and the girls went up there and ate lunch in it all summer. She’s a teacher so they spent a lot of time out there,”said Boyd, who also added that the playhouse “It’s worth every penny I’ve spent and it’s gonna be there forever.”

Currently, Adam Boyd has his own company, Spoiled Rotten Homes and he builds playhouses for kids.

Here you can take a look inside of this incredible playhouse!

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