Dramatic footage shows huge whale swimming toward oblivious group of surfers

A couple of weeks ago an incredible drone footage started to gain popularity on social media. The breathtaking video show a massive grey whale swimming directly towards a group of surfers in Southern California.

According to the Fox 5 News, at least a dozen of surfers were enjoying the day in the calm waters off Doheny State Beach in Dana Point, when suddenly a huge whale was heading directly to the group. The dramatic scene was captured with a drone by a local witness. Payton Landaas, a 18-year-old high school student has seen the gigantic mammal swimming toward the surfers, so he quickly grabbed his drone, to film the moment.

“I knew how rare this moment could be so I ran to get my drone,” Payton told For the Win Outdoors. “I thought it was pretty crazy!” Payton then hurried to share the dramatic video with the netizens and his footage went viral ever since with millions of views.

According to marine experts it is pretty common for the grey wales to swim so close to shore, especially when they’re in transit to find new location. “Gray whales are pretty docile; they’re known as the friendly whale,” Capt. Corey Hall, from Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching told media.

h/t: Geek.com

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