Stubborn dog throws adorable tantrum to stay in the bathtub

Both kids and pups are truly a blessing. They not only seem to be sharing some special bonds, but they also have a lot of similarities. With no doubt, there’s an utter joy to spend time with them. Nonetheless, there are also times when kids will pout, stamp their feet, and scream like the end of the world is coming and there is nowhere to hide. And guess what!? Turn out dogs are no different!

While for many of our furry companions, the bath time is more like a nightmare than a joy, this adorable Husky can’t get enough of it. Apparently Zeus is capable of drastic measures just to avoid leaving his favorite place – the bathtub.

Zeus loves so much hanging in the bathtub, not even the promise of a walk can’t get him out of there. In fact every time when his mom approaches him and tells him “get out of the bathtub,” the vocal pup throws the most adorable tantrum.

Eventually the stubborn husky leaves the bathtub, but given his determination it won’t for a long time. It’s no wonder why the adorable footage gained over 23 millions views and that’s only on Youtube. “Zeus loves playing in the water in the bathtub and wants the water turned on,” the video description reads. “Even though it’s time for his walk he howls in protest because he wants to play in the water!”

Watch the adorable footage here:

h/t: Youtube| boredpanda

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